Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pole Dancing with Bonnie, the Penguin Siamese

I posted this video on my facebook page, but thought folks might get a kick out of it here.

When you see the video get real close to Bonnie, it's because I had to unstick her claw from the fish. LOL!

I tied the fish toy to the pole to get her to stay long enough to shoot video of her, but she does this all the time without the toy. I have a still digital photo which, I believe, is posted on the blog already, but since I found one of my old HP digital cameras would work with one of my new camera's card, I wanted to video her.

The video seems to end abruptly, but the it is the limitations of the camera. It only record video for approx 2 mins.

So, sit back & enjoy pole dancing with Bonnie Blu, the Penguin Siamese!


  1. LOL now THAT is a new one..... hahaha
    followed you from master list on Bonanza :O)

  2. Love the Pole dancing. Throwing e-dollars!
