I am starting this with Gizzy, not to ignore all the others that came before him, but rather to connect this blog with my other blog, Sacred Heart Blessings Catholic Rosaries.
Gizzy was born March of 1987. He was just a little puff ball of a kitten. He was the first I had ever heard of a Maine Coon. Gizzy was a red Coon mix. He filled a void I needed filled at the time, and he became my little buddy for 16 1/2 years.
Gizzy's name is two parts, yet, simple really. He was born at the time the movie Gremlins was popular. For that, he had to endure the name Gizmo. One of my favorite characters was the fox, Todd, in the Disney cartoon movie, the Fox and the Hound. So, you have it, Gizmo Todd; Gizzy for short. I don't believe he ever answered to anything else. He was absolutely gorgeous. I will try to locate a photo of him to put here.
He was a good friend. He wandered into the garage when I lived in Converse, TX. He traveled through half of the eastern United States when I moved to Providence, RI. He use to come on vacations that took him to MA, ME, NH, VT, NY and Canada. On a return trip from Canada, we crossed Lake Champlain. I held him in my arms, as we crossed the lake looking for Champ, the sea serpent. We did not see Champ. We returned to TX to a suburb of Dallas, where we stayed for a year before moving to a more rural area closer to the Red River.
In 2003, Gizzy was diagnosed with cancer. He began drooling a lot. At first, the vet thought he may have had a dental issue, and we began to discuss dental cleanings. I, however, was a little apprehensive because of his age, 16 years old. His drooling stopped until in August of 2003, I felt a lump at his jaw line. It tested positive for cancer. At the time, the vet did not recommend any chemo or anything; so, I took my little buddy home to give him the best of the time he had left. I soon began feeding him by hand and then by syringe and then eyedropper, as he had difficulty eating. He lived on prednisone daily.
Also, by this time, Dad had started attending RCIA classes to become Catholic. I started looking for rosaries for pet lovers; so, I could pray with Gizzy. I could not find one; so, I started making them. I had some cat face shaped beads from jewelry making. I found some St Francis of Assisi center pieces, a nice crucifix and beads to match the cat face beads. And thus, started making rosaries for cat lovers. Soon, I searched for dog shaped beads to make rosaries for dog lovers.
I prayed my cat rosary with Gizzy in my arms every day. I prayed for a miracle cure, but would settle for a peaceful passing. On November 20th 2003, I was sitting on the couch watching the news about 10:15pm. I was holding Gizzy in my arms; he was sleeping. I felt him take a deep breath, and then, he released it. He was gone. He had peacefully passed away while sleeping in my arms.... one week to the day before Thanksgiving. My prayer was answered. I held him for some time after knowing it was the last time I would hold him. I still miss him to this day. He was my inspiration. He was and is the reason I make rosaries.
Tigger was born April 1983. Tigger was an orange and white tabby. He went and did a lot of the stuff Gizzy did. I use to feed him the heels to loaves of bread when he lived outside before taking him in. He always loved bread after that, and you couldn't leave any out. He would tear through the package and eat the top. He was a good cat! He was diagnosed with cancer in his anal glands. The cancer was removed; we thought. After a year, it came back. He was 16 1/2 years old, too. I will never forgive myself for coming to the decision to have him put to sleep. He struggled one Saturday morning to get up out of my bed to go to the litter box. He tried several times to get up. He finally collapsed back on the bed and went potty right there in the bed. I made the decision then. A decision I will regret for the rest of my life. The one time he needed me. The one time he depended on me. I let him down. I have vowed to never let that happen again. As of yet, I have not. I have learned from this to take the good with the bad and care for them from the moment God brings them to me to the very moment he decides to take them back. Thank you, Tigger, for showing me that I can care for all y'all sick critters in ways I never thought I could.
A seal point Ragdoll mix was born in March 1986. He, again, did all the things Tigger and Gizzy did and went all the same places; however, Bandit did not like to go for rides. He and Gizzy were real good friends, as they were close in age. Bandit introduced me to the kitty ailment of asthma. Unfortunately, I did not know about it until nearly his death. We scheduled an appt for him to see the vet, but on the day of the appt, he got extremely upset about going and died. It is believed he had asthma due to the symptoms he had and what I know of it now. In the moments before we left, it is believed he suffered a heart attack due to the stress of getting ready to go.
There are many others before these, and many I have loved and lost. But these are the three cats that have been in my heart since 1983. I will make a separate entry for the dogs.
God bless all the critters!
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